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Page history last edited by Ryan "Vintago" Chaddock 15 years, 12 months ago

Welcome to the Thalassian Language Institute


This wiki is dedicated to the codification and creative extrapolation of the Thalassian language, the language spoken by the Sin'dorei (Blood Elves).  The goal here is to create a working, speakable language based on what translations are provided by Blizzard, plus a fair amount of speculation.  There's a small amount of grammar which can be inferred from the translations we have and that is obviously the basis of what structure we're constructing here.  If you'd like be part of the project, shoot me an email at ninjadaytrader @ gmail.com . 


Currently we are working on translating Shakespeare's Hamlet into Thalassian.  Hamlet is perfect as a test of the language and as a source of new concepts and words which need to be invented, as the subject matter is pretty well suited to fantasy.






Thalassian Basics - An introduction to the Thalassian language.


Hamlet  - The beginnings of a translation of Hamlet into Thalassian, with notes.  An excellent way to get a grip on the language.


Thalassian Thesaurus - The new 3000 word list!





Wowwiki's Thalassian Page


A Nice Little Thalassian Blog





World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.



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